First date drinks is your opportunity to impress, and to take the style and fluidity of the date to places you want. First impressions with your order can be just as important as your first impression full stop. There is a long list of dos and don’ts that will come with the date itself don’t be late, do be polite and so on. But unfortunately there is also do and don’t list when ordering your first date first drinks. In our technological world of online dating match-making sites and comfortable date-friendly bars provide ample opportunity to increase your dating experience. However, the valuable skill of leading the date and ordering the appropriate drink can often be lost. Here are our top tips on what drinks to order during a first date.
Curb the Champers
Quite simply ordering champagne needs a champagne lifestyle, to a certain extent. Champagne does often suggest a celebratory drink, and dating your lucky partner may need celebrating. However you don’t necessarily need to fall into the trap of ordering high end top shelf champagnes just because you are on a first date. Not only will you look (needlessly) showy and increase the expectations of this date and the dates to follow but also it can be a little awkward when the bill arrives and you decide to go Dutch. I’m not saying be cheap, but prosecco and sparkling wine is a perfectly fine and tasty alternative, and many date friendly bars offer a bottle with a 12 inch pizza, now looks who’s winning!
Don’t Whine about the Wine
Communication is key here, if you are scanning the extensive wine list and don’t really know what you’re looking for or what language it is in then put it down. You can end up ordering something you, or more importantly your date doesn’t like. Communicate, chat and have fun with getting to know their likes and dislikes. Ask them what they feel comfortable with drinking, even if it’s purely based on colour, red, white or rose. Also, don’t just order a bottle; try ordering by the glass which gives you both flexibility to choose something you individually want. This way less time is placed on what to drink and more time on getting to know more about each other!
Cool the Cocktails
Date friendly bars are all the rage, and can be very beneficial to arranging and feeling relaxed on your date. However, this bars usually come with an extensive cocktail list. If you confident enough you can use the cocktail list as an ice breaker to each choose something that represents your personality, and really start to get to know each other whilst enjoying the mixers on offer.
However, a word of warning that ordering drinks you don’t usually drink can send the date spiralling out of control, quite literally. There are plenty of mixes and cocktails that look impressive and suggest you are a liquor expert without blowing your head off and losing control. Our top tip is to keep things simple with variations of the rum and cokes or the newly fashionable coffee based varieties so are able to both impress and keep your wits about you.