How to Increase Your Sex Drive

Some of you may not need any help in the sex drive department, unless it is calming it down! For others, libido may be something that you are keen to explore. You may have a partner with an insatiable appetite for sex and not be feeling it quite so much? You may just be going through a period of not really being ‘up for it’. We take a look at some tips to help you increase your sex drive.


Exercise is great for making you feel good. When you exercise, your body releases feel good endorphins and you are on more of a high. Working up a sweat is a great way to get you in the mood for sex whether it’s yoga, running, boxercise, spinning or any other form of exercise.

A bit of DIY

Exploring your own body and finding out what works for you is a great way to understand your body and know what feel goods. If you know what makes you feel good then it is much easier to communicate this to your partner. If you enjoy sex more the chances are you will want more of it.

Increase your confidence with a new hobby

If you don’t feel good about yourself your confidence and self-esteem suffer and as a consequence you may not feel very sexy. There are plenty of hobbies that can help to increase your confidence and make you feel more attractive. Try flirting online, pole dancing, burlesque dancing or some sort of Latin dancing perhaps. Maybe you can try some sort of Latin dance as a couple to help increase your intimacy and re-ignite the chemistry.

Spice it up

Maybe the sex has become a little stale and you need some help to re-ignite the passion in your relationship. If you can sit down and talk about it with your partner then perhaps you can come up with some things that you would both like to try – role play, dressing up, adding in some toys? Spicing it up could help you to discover a new love of sex and plenty to keep you occupied.

Just do it!

Sometimes, and if it has been a while, no amount of planning or making time for sex will help. There are times when you need to seize the moment, be spontaneous and just do it. Waiting for the right time, planning a cosy night in or trying to diarise a date will just pile on pressure and can be an anti-climax (pardon the pun). Just forget all of that and get on with it. Who knows it may turn out to be just what you need.

Talk to an expert

If none of the above tips have an impact and you still aren’t feeling the love then it is recommended that you talk to an expert. Talk to your GP or perhaps a counsellor. A professional may be able to recommend a different course of treatment and help you to discover how to increase your sex drive.