Love and sexual attraction can be messy. You didn’t ask to become attracted to a married man. You didn’t ask to fall in love with a married man. And yet here you are, trying to win the affections of a married man and trying to get some tips on what to do to get a married guy to date you. There are tons of stories out there of couples who met when one or both of them were married to somebody else at the time. A married man is not going to fall in love with you if he’s totally happy with his current life. That’s the truth of it. He might find you attractive, and he might even stray from his marriage to spend a night or several nights with you. But he’s not going to leave his current partner for a serious relationship with you unless he’s not getting something from her. So, if you want him to love you, you have to find out what he’s not getting from his marriage right now and see if you can give it to him.
If he broke off his marriage with his previous wife—or if you two have agreed to carry on a relationship outside of his marriage—you’re going to have to think about how to keep him long-term. If he left his wife for you because you’re charming, you have to know those things won’t last, particularly if he hasn’t left his wife yet. You need to connect with him on a deeply emotional level if you want to keep him. At this point, it’s not about a fun fling; it’s much more serious. You have to be happy together, or it won’t be worth it.
Dating a married man is not all that different from dating a single man, inasmuch that you two need to make each other happy and provide something to each other. The only difference is, what are you providing him that his wife isn’t? The classic paradigm of this is older men, who are married to a similar age, dating younger women. This is often unseemly, and people do get hurt. There is some prehistoric evidence to suggest that males are hardwired to appreciate younger females, but it’s all down to the choices we make. If you’re a young woman, and you’ve decided that your feelings for an older, married man are worth the moral implications of dating him, how will you feel when people look at you two together? Does it matter to you? Does it matter to him? Your youth and vibrance probably make him feel young, but there’s a limit. He probably won’t want to go to nightclubs with you or spend a lot of time with friends your age.
So far, we’ve discussed what you should do if you find a married man attractive and want to date him. But what if the shoe is on the other foot? Well, it often is. The first question is, are you attracted to him? If not, try to send polite non-verbal or indirect signals that you do not reciprocate this married man’s affections. But many men are bad at reading these signals, so you might have just come out and (politely) tell him you’re not comfortable with what you perceive as his advances. If you work with him and he persists, go to HR. But if you enjoy the attention? Well, how far do you want to go with this? Do you want to date a man who is a husband to another woman? How attracted are you to this married man, and what do you want to do with that attraction?
A lot of people will tell you that being attracted to a married man is no good. That it’s not healthy. That you should never act on those attractions. And they have a point. People could get hurt. But the heart wants what it wants—the heart and sometimes other bodily organs. Affairs do happen, and you’re all adults who can make their own decisions. But if you are attracted to a married man, you probably want advice, and that’s what this blog is for.
If you’re really into a married guy and unsure of his feeling towards you, you might want to seduce him. But how do you do that? Well, male sexuality tends to be more visual than female sexuality. Therefore, if you possess a face, breasts, waist, bum, legs, hair, or anything else that would conventionally be considered attractive, show it off and emphasize your assets. But looks aren’t always enough, especially to get a married guy’s attention. So, talk to him. After all, it’s through talking that we establish interpersonal connections. Ask him about his life and his interests. If this is going well, and the setting allows for it (e.g., maybe not at work), try to talk about sex and love. If you mention that you can’t find a man you like or one that can satisfy you, and you look him right in the eye, that should get his motor running.
First, do you want a specific married man, or do you want a married man. For many women, the idea of a married man wanting them is a big turn-on. And maybe you have a good reason for this; we all want what we want. And maybe the guy you want is on a break with his wife, or maybe they have an open relationship. But if you want to meet a married man, there are great dating sites online—such as—that will help you meet married men. You can set up a profile for free and talk to guys and make connections. Such a site is a great place to meet a like-minded person.
There are lots of stories out there of married men seduced by sexy women. Many of these stories are more than a bit clichéd, but they’ll give you an idea of what married men want. Many men, at least to start, want something uncomplicated. Their life, otherwise, is often hectic and complex. An animalistic tryst with a woman is a real fantasy, and if you can make that fantasy a reality, he’ll fall for you hard. If you want something longer-term, more emotionally serious, your tactics might have to be different. Keep in mind. However, many couples started as affairs. But if that’s what you want, don’t lose sight of what that means. You’ll be making big waves, and he could lose his family. Is that a risk you’re willing to take?
Many married men are attracted to many women, but they keep it to themselves because, well, they’re married. So, what to do if he’s keeping his cards close to the vest? What are some subtle ways to tell if a married man is attracted to you? Well, does he talk to you? Does he talk to you about things that aren’t work-related? Does he keep talking to you after work or after an excuse to leave has passed? If you’re at a bar or café or somewhere, if he’s talking to you at all, it’s a pretty good sign that he’s probably interested. One classic move is to touch him on the shoulder or knee, possibly while laughing, and see how he reacts. If he moves closer to you, he’s attracted to you.
It’s 2021, and a lot of dating and romance occurs via text. If you start texting with a married man under platonic pretenses, how do you change the tenor of the conversation? Again, you can talk about your love life, maybe even text that you wish to meet a man like him. Maybe send him a selfie to show off where you are or ask him what he thinks of your outfit. If he’s into you, you should be able to turn up the steaminess of the conversation fairly quickly.
We hope this blog entry has given you good advice. Remember, online sites are probably the best way to meet—and seduce—a married man.